Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Underworld Awakening(3D)- Acrobatic but Uneven

I have seen the previous three installments in the franchise and was expecting an improvement from the previous installment (Rise of the Lycans). The main reason for my optimism was the return of Kate Beckinsale to the franchise (she didn't feature in "Rise of the Lycans").

The movie starts just like the first two installments( "Underworld" and "Underworld:Evolution") i.e with a quick recap/introduction. What surpises you is that just when you expect the movie to slow down after the quick recap, it does not but continues with a quick and uninspiring flash forward replete with action sequences(nothing you haven't seen before) in 3D. The movie continues with its breakneck speed bombarding you with once action sequence after another. At this point i must admit that some of the 3D visuals were impressive even though Kate Beckinsale's (Selene the death dealer) acrobatics had started to become tiresome.And just when you start to wonder whether the movie has any credible storyline or plot the proceedings slow down(thanks to god almighty). You find that your iota of expectation is getting crushed as more and more predictable fare is dished out. Now, which nincompoop wouldn't have predicted that there are still some lycans around and the protagonists Selene and Michael have a child(revealed in the trailer) now. In the last half hour of the movie there is a twist in the plot which i feel salvages its credibility to a large extent. But I shudder to think about this installment of Underworld had it not been made in 3D.

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